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The purpose of this policy is to encourage daily attendance in all classes. Attendance at school is essential if a student expects to do well. Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of required class work and promotion to the next grade. Moreover, attendance and participation in class are integral parts of the teaching-learning process, and regular attendance develops patterns of behavior essential to successful personal, social and professional life.


In keeping with Board Policy 3200, rewards and penalties in the form of grades shall not be used as attendance incentives. Each school shall develop attendance incentives that do not involve grades to encourage attendance.


​Every parent/guardian or other person residing within the Durham Public Schools district having charge or control of a child between the ages of 7 and 16 years, or a child younger than seven if enrolled in school, shall cause such child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the Durham Public Schools shall be in session. No person shall encourage, entice, or counsel any such child to be unlawfully absent from school. The parent/guardian or custodian of a child shall notify the school of the reason for each known absence of the child. (Board Policy 4101)

Excused absences include:

  • illness or injury

  • a death in the family

  • health care appointments

  • court appearances 

  • religious observance

  • natural disasters

  • outside educational opportunities (this form will need to completed in advance by the parent and then signed by the principal)

The student will need to make up all work he or she missed, as scheduled by the teacher. (Policy 4104)

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