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CFST Social Workers

What are the Durham Goals of CFST?


  • Improve and sustain improvement in the academic performance of children at risk of school failure

  • Reduce out-of-home and out-of-county placements of children at risk for academic failure

  • Increase the capacity of DPS to address the academic health, behavioral health, social and legal needs of children

  • Share the responsibility and accountability among public child-serving agencies to improve outcomes for our children and families








What is the role of the CFST  Social Worker?



  •  To receive referrals from MTSS teams ,school staff, and parents.

  • Identify and screen children who are potentially at risk of academic failure or out-of-home placement due to physical, social, legal, emotional or developmental factors

  • Conduct a school records review, establish contact with the family to complete a strength based assessment 

  • Work with representatives from community agencies to connect student and families to services and resources

  • Conduct a least one CFT meeting within the first 30 days of referral

  • Case manage and monitor active caseloads







  • CFST referrals can come from community child serving agencies, school personnel, school based problem-solving/ MTSS teams, self-referral, truancy court or any member of the community (mental health, DJJ, DSS, Faith-based, Mentors, etc.)





  • Social/Health & Human Services factors

  • Information will be gathered on the family’s strengths and needs by using the CFST assessment tool. This will include a medical assessment to be completed by the CFST nurse.

  • Medical assessments have to be conducted on all CFST cases that will be served by the CFST team beyond the referral being screened.

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Coordination of CFST


  • Coordination of a CFST meeting must be scheduled within 10 days.

  • The Initial CFST meeting must be held within 30 days.

  • Service Plan is developed

  • Progress monitoring and case management is conducted weekly

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