Durham Public Schools
Student Support Services​
Dr. LaVerne Mattocks-Perry
Senior Executive Director, Student Support Services
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-287-4193 ext. 21126
The Department of Student Support Services is dedicated to serving our schools around students' social-emotional and behavioral health, attendance, suspension and promotion/graduation. Three Area Directors work directly with School leadership and the School Student Services Teams in order to maximize supports and interventions for our students to optimize student learning.
Nikkeya Murchinson
Administrative Assistant to
Dr. LaVerne Mattocks-Perry
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-560-2032 ext. 21032
James Futrell
Director of Student Services
Engagement and Access
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-560-2000 ext. 21725
Tomeka L. Ward-Satterfield
K-12 School Counseling Coordinator
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-560-2122 ext. 35733
Dr. Christopher Soto
District Social Emotional Mental Health Coordinator
1001 Leon Street, Durham, NC 27704
919-560-2000 Ext 85309
Dr. Al Royster, Jr.
Director of Student Services
Prevention and Intervention
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-560-2000 ext. 85317
Dr. Monique Link
District Coordinator: Section 504/Intervention and
Support Liaison
1001 Leon Street, Durham, NC 27704
919-560-2000 ext. 21042
Beatrice Laney
Mental Health Coordinator
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-560-2000 ext. 30223
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Melody Marshall
District McKinney-Vento Coordinator
1001 Leon Street, Durham, NC 27704
919-560-2000 ext. 21927
Mina Forte
Positive Behavior Intervention Specialist
808 Bacon Street, Durham, NC 27703
919-560-2000 ext. 30255
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