Durham Public Schools
Student Support Services​
Alternatives to Suspension / Community Providers
What is the purpose of a Community Provider?
When the extensive options for school based interventions have been documented and found unsuccessful, the purpose of a community provider is to support DPS students who require external supports for the following behaviors:
DEAC (Drug Education and Counseling)
GEAC (Gang Education and Counseling)
Sexual Misconduct
What is the process for referring a student to an alternative to suspension community provider?
An incident happens that results in the potential for a suspension. The incident could be a “last straw” offense or a first-time major offense. NOTE: Substance offenses do not need prior approval.
ADMINISTRATION REVIEWS the behavior matrices (K-5 / 6-12) and discusses the options with the student/family, which includes the Alternative to Suspension (ATS) initiative.
Upon agreement to participate in the ATS, THE SCHOOL/PARENT WILL complete the DPS Agreement to Participate in an ATS: Community Provider form; and THE SCHOOL WILL complete the DPS Community Provider Referral form.
THE SCHOOL WILL scan both the DPS Agreement to Participate in an ATS: Community Provider form and the DPS Community Provider Referral form to Dr. Monique Link (monique.link@dpsnc.net).
DR. LINK WILL review the referral and determine approval based on the information given in the Referral form. ** If denied, Dr. Link will notify administration and provide specific steps for administration to take to further support the student. If approved, Dr. Link will notify administration.
Upon approval, DR. LINK WILL contact the selected community provider and provide them with the referral information. THE COMMUNITY PROVIDER WILL contact the family and initiate services.
THE STUDENT WILL begin serving the reduced number of days for his/her out-of-school suspension.
Upon successful completion of the selected community provider Program, DR. LINK WILL provide administration with an Individual Transition Plan, which is designed to support the student for up to 3-months, and program completion paperwork from the provider. **If the program is not completed, full/remaining suspension days are to be reinstated and served by the student.
For students who successfully complete the selected Program, THE SCHOOL WILL conduct progress monitoring and document supportive services, steered via use of the Individual Transition Plan.
At which infraction level may a student be referred to a Community Provider?
A student, in grades K-12, who has infractions at levels I, II or III where a progressive disciplinary response has been exhausted and a short-term suspension (6-10 days) or a long-term suspension is being recommended, may be referred through the DPS referral process to an Alternative to Suspension Community Provider.
A progressive disciplinary response is understood as an increasingly severe consequence or corrective action that is applied when a student fails to correct an undesirable behavior after being given a reasonable opportunity to do so. The underlying principle of sound progressive discipline is to use the least severe action that is believed to be necessary in order to correct the undesirable behavior. Thus, one would increase the severity of the action only if the negative behavior is not corrected.
*For all ATS initiative materials, including referral forms, please go to the following link: